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For printable PDF version click here: Cone-beam Computed Tomographic Analysis of Canal Transportation and Centering Ability of Single-file Systems

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AAE18 Research Evaluates EdgeEndo® Files

Abstracts of Research

These abstracts are Oral and Poster Research that will be presented at AAE18 . Abstracts evaluated EdgeEndo® files, with the majority of studies evaluating the EdgeTaper Platinum™ vs ProTaper® Gold. Abstracts appear as they were submitted by the presenters. The letters in the upper left corner represent the type of presentation: OR for Oral Research Presentation, PR for Research Presentation.

All studies show EdgeEndo® files are better or just as good!


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Low Cost Endodontic Files

Low Cost Endodontic Files

A publication of CR Foundation ®

Reprinted June 2017, with permission, from Vol. 10 Issue 6, Pages 1,4,5

Gordon’s Clinical Observations: Endodontic treatment is a nearly daily procedure for most general dentists, and the relatively low overhead makes this treatment very profitable if accomplished correctly. The introduction of lower-cost endo files has many clinicians wondering if these files are clinically acceptable and as efficient as conventional higher-cost files. CR scientists and clinicians, assisted by a survey of practitioners, help you decide if these inexpensive files are right for you.

User ratings for EdgeFile, WaveOne Gold, ProTaper, and Endosequence

CR CONCLUSIONS: Clinical and laboratory evaluations found the EdgeFile to have clinically acceptable performance with a cost significantly lower than other leading brands. Users noted its flexibility, strength, and ability to hold its shape. They rated file separation as similar to other brands, which was confirmed with controlled tests. Low cost makes single use of endo files a more viable option. Design features and metallurgy differ among brands, and clinicians should consider all factors when choosing files, including feel, efficiency, aggressiveness, flexibility, shape, familiarity, cost, compatibility with obturation, etc.

Click here to read the CR Foundation Report in full

Click here to read the CR Foundation Best Product 2018 Report